The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival


The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2024

"Rediscover Eden"

Day 1, Sunday 7 July: Arrival 


Registration and greetings. You'll be shown to your tent space or room

11:15 - 12:15

Soup in Cafe

Enjoy a light Summer soup in the beautiful cafe area and get ready!

11:30 - 12:30

Welcome in BIG HALL

 The first Circle of the Summer Festival 2024 


Clan Meeting

Meet your new family! Your clan met for your first sharing circle.

Mandatory Workshop:

Getting the Vibe

Get initiated with the tools & practices of the tribe in a playful and fun workshop in Big Hall. 


Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Tribal Night Circle in BIG HALL

We gather in the big hall for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle.

22:00 - 22:30

After-Hours Café / Free Dance in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire. Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Bing Hall alive with music for an hour

22:30 - 23:30

Tribal Workshop:

"The Gifts of Touch"

We gather in the Big Hall for the first evening workshop.

20:00 - 22:00

Lights Out

Lights out and mindful talking / silence required throughout camp.


Day 2, Monday 8 July: Your body - your temple 

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle.


Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing


18:30 - 19:15


Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15


Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Workshops - Daytime

Big Hall

Sky Hall



12:30 - 15:45

12:30 - 14:45

12:30 - 15:30

The Body

- a gateway to  Eden 


Embodying the Dance


(in case of cold weather Holy Paint) 

Holy Paint




16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 18:15

16:30 - 17:30

I see you 


Cat Power Connection (Kerstin)


Tribal Workshop in Big Hall

Ecstatic Dance 


The tribe's evening workshop-  for all

20:00 - 22:00

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Every night we meet and close the day together as a tribe in the Big Hall

22:00 - 22:30

After-Hours Café / Disco in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire. Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Big Hall alive with music for an hour of delightful dancing

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.

22:30 - 23:30


Day 3, Tuesday 9 July: Shadows & Light

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle.


Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing



Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15

Workshops - Daytime


Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Tribal Workshop in Big Hall

Massive Cuddle Puddle (Wies)

The tribe's evening workshop for all

20:00 - 22:00

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Every night we meet and close the day together as a tribe in the Big Hall

22:00 - 22:30

Big Hall

Sky Hall



12:30 - 16:30

12:30 - 14:45

12:30 - 15:30

12:30 - 15:45

Daka - Dakini


Aspecting the One


Sculpt me please (Eva)

In the Shadows of the Tree 






16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 18:15

Daka - Dakini Continued

Dance into Unity (Anne)

Rejections, Sexuality & Shadows of in WOC


After-Hours Café / Disco in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire. Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Big Hall alive with music for an hour of delightful dancing

22:30 - 23:30

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.


Day 4, Wednesday 10 July: Yin / Yang

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle. 


Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing



Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15

Workshops - Daytime


Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Tribal Workshop in Big Hall

Archetype Night celebration


The tribe's evening workshop for all

20:00 - 22:00

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Every night we meet and close the day together as a tribe in the Big Hall

22:00 - 22:30

Big Hall

Sky Hall



12:30 - 16:30

12:30 - 14:45

12:30 - 15:00

12:30 - 15:00

We are one:

honing in on your superconscious connection


Grounded Pleasure


Sensual Ropes


Shamanic Sauna 





16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 18.30

Energy Organs 101: Principles


Embodiment Men's workshop



Yoni of Nature 


After-Hours Café / Disco in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire.

Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Big Hall alive with music for an hour of delightful dancing.

22:30 - 23:30

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.


Day 5, Thursday 11 July: Rediscovering Eden 

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle. 



Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing


Tribal Workshop in Big Hall

Chakra Healing 


The tribe's evening workshop for all

20:00 - 22:00


Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15

Workshops - Daytime

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Every night we meet and close the day together as a tribe in the Big Hall

22:00 - 22:30

Big Hall

Sky Hall



12:30 - 15:00

12:30 - 15:00

12:30 - 15:00


Impulse Play


A Vibrational Journey back to Eden


Breathe Brothers & Sisters


Grounding and leaving positive trace (Mathilde)





14:45 - 18:30

14:45 - 18:30

16:00 - 18:00




Silent Sauna

After-Hours Café / Disco in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire.

Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Big Hall alive with music for an hour of delightful dancing.

22:30 - 23:30

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.


Day 6, Friday 12 July: Energy Healing Power

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle. 


Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing



Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Tribal Workshop in Big Hall


Special magical dance-meditation followed by joyful  disco dancing

20:00 - 22:00


Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15

Workshops - Daytime

Big Hall

Sky Hall



12:30 - 17:00

12:30 - 15:00

12:30 - 15:15

The Energy Orgasm: Release and Ecstacy


Letting go of Guilt


Grounding and leaving positive trace (Mathilde)




15:45 - 18:15

16:00- 18:15

15:30 - 17.30

Release and Ecstacy


Snakes and Ladders


From Masturbation to worship of Divine life (Rune)

Silent Sauna

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Every night we meet and close the day together as a tribe in the Big Hall

22:00 - 22:30

After-Hours Café / Disco in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire.

Or you might wanna dance: every night we keep Big Hall alive with music for an hour of delightful dancing.

22:30 - 23:30

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.


Day 7, Saturday 13 July: Sacred Sexuality 

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle. 


Clan Meetings

You will meet with your clan for your daily sharing



Enjoy a deeply nourishing and delicious vegetarian meal in the dining hall

18:30 - 19:15

Garden of Eden Playground

Come play with us! Experience different modality of playfulness  and fun

20:00 - 22:30


Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon

11:30 - 12:15

Workshops - Daytime

Tribal Night Circle in Big Hall

Garden of Love & Pleasure

More info to come... :;-)

22:00 - 22:30

Big Hall

Sky Hall




12:30 - 18:00

12:30 - 14:45

12:30 - 15:00

Tantra Massage (including yoni/ lingam)

(Martin & Diana)

The Energy Orgasm: The Ritual of Forgiveness and Pleasure


The Five Gates of Erotic Blueprint




15:45 - 18:15

16:00 - 18:15

16:00 - 17:30

Tantra massage continued

..Kundalini Activation


Tight & Sacred Love



After-Hours Café / Playground /Disco continues in Big Hall

The cafe is still open for hot/cold drinks, snacks and "hygge" around the bonfire.

Or you might wanna dance or continue playing in the Playground in the Gdren of Eden

22:30 - 23:30

Lights out

Lights out and silence is required throughout camp.


Day 8, Sunday 14 July: The Journey beyond 

Break the fast

Start your morning with a small nutricious meal before morning practise

7:30 - 8:00

Morning Practice

An open space for participants or volunteers to offer anything from yoga, ecstatic dance, meditation etc.

7:45 - 8:45

Tribal Morning Circle with CLANS

in Big Hall

We gather for updates on the day to come: workshops, sauna treats etc and for our tribal sharing circle. 


Enjoy the big appetizing "Frunch"  to give you fuel for the whole afternoon


11:00 - 11:45

Workshops - Daytime

Big Hall

12:30 - 14:30

Forever Eden

See you at TTV Reunion Weekend?