"The tribal vibe workshops are the safest I’ve ever experienced while still exploring my edges within integrity. I’ve had so much wild fun, tender moments and sensous playfulness. People with no experience and with lots of experience will find he’s here!"
Maria 53, SWE
"The Tribal Vibe community and experience is the family I always longed for. There i know Im safe, held and respected in terms of personal boundaries. The facilitators i have encountered there are professional, sincere and authentic and the workshops are always amazing and push me to my exact limit with love and compassion. I wholeheartedly give The Tribal Vibe my highest reccomandations."
Trine 50, DEN
"Jeg har deltaget i “the tribal vibe” over flere omgange og skal igen afsted her til sommer. For mig er det et frirum fra hverdagen, hvor jeg lærer nye sider om mig selv i gennem mødet med andre. I lejren er det en atmosfære som gør, at der hurtig bliver opbygget en tillid blandt deltagerne, som gør kan man tale om ting og lave øvelser, som i andre sammehænge ville ligge noget uden for komfortzonen. Programet varierer fra år til år og har normalt omdrejning omkring et bestemt tema. Indholdet af workshopsene oplever jeg har høj kvalitet og facilitatorerne virker til være helt neden på jorden, hvilket jeg som jyde sætte stor pris på😉"
Per, DEN 2022
“You can expect a safe and loving community with good people and heart energy. An ethically safe space where we all have to go through the same workshop (Getting the Vibe red.) to be allowed access to participate. It provides methods just like a driver's license to keep you safe and authentic in the way you relate to others. In everyday life but also your sensual relations. It teaches us to take responsibility and express ourselves. I wish I had had knowledge of that method back when I was 25 !!!!
Peter 45, DEN
"The festival enabled me to open my heart again. More clear in my personal boundaries. New friendships. Going deeper with my personal processes, old patterns etc."
Woman, 2021
Three years ago, I really started working on myself. My main tool for that has been attending The Tribal Vibe (and my ongoing tantric education). What has moved me the most in the shortest possible time has been The Tribal Vibe.
Participating in a professionally arranged self-development festival - which I usually call TTV - has moved me to a degree I did not think was possible.
Through the participation I have worked with e.g. my masculinity, with my feminine sides, with my courage, with my limits and with my ability to stand in myself.
I have danced, sensed, laughed, been challenged, have felt myself and much more.
For the first time in many, many years, I was standing, crying and worked through so that old traumas were processed, the pain released and behind me. I have been about to leave some sessions because it felt too difficult, but I stay and I have grown through it.
This happens every year and every year I grow. I am today a fundamentally different human being than just 2 years ago.
I'm just so happy with the development that I can only regret that I did not start on that kind of work earlier.
For example, I am gone from having only two friends for the last 40 years, and never getting new ones, to now having more friends than I can count - and new ones are constantly being added.
I have lived my whole life in an introverted way, without much contact either internally or externally. I have not been able to feel my heart or my body before. I can now, and TTV has played a very important role in that development.
Anyone who wants to develop, find his true self, find his heart, feel to alive again, feel to sense and love should buy a ticket right on the spot. The Tribal Vibe gets my warmest recommendation.