The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

Couples Retreat

- The Tribal Vibe for Lovers

11 - 13 October 


Join us for a Transformative Couples Training

Are you ready to take your relationship to the next level?

Dive deep into the realms of connection, intimacy, and growth with our comprehensive Couples Training

Whether you're a "tribal" couple, newly acquainted, or seeking to rekindle the spark, this retreat is designed for you.

Content & Intentions

🌿  Experience profound sharing sessions that nurture understanding and closeness. 

🌿 Explore the 6 essential practices that enhance authenticity, intimacy, communication and conflict resolution, paving the way for deeper connection.

🌿 Delve into the art of touch and sweet connection experiences, unlocking the magic of physical intimacy. 

🌿 Set powerful intentions for your relationship and situations, guided by safe relational spaces and agreements. 

This is the first step toward a transformative couples raining journey.

Feelings Matter

Cultivate a rich feeling vocabulary, embracing the depth of your emotions.

Learn to identify, feel, express, receive, and respond to your partner's feelings, fostering a profound emotional connection

~ a dance of intimacy

 Authenticity and Vulnerability

Empower yourselves to be authentic, vulnerable, and open.

Embark on a journey of personal and interpersonal development, providing you with valuable tools and techniques to navigate challenges and enhance joy in your relationship.

Heal the past, celebrate the present, and build a future together filled with intimacy and nurturing.

Who Is This training For?

🌟Newly formed couples desiring a strong foundation

🌟Established couples seeking renewed passion and connection

🌟TTV Couples seeking deeper connection in - and outside The Tribal Vibe events

🌟Couples on the brink of marriage, moving in together and other big steps

🌟Individuals and close friends teaming up for the experience and knowledge to  develop their relationship skills

What to Expect

Engage in heart-centered practices individually or as a pair.

Learn conflict resolution tools and a structured framework for healthy dialogue.

Explore the healthy energy balance between dark and light, while affirming the positive aspects of your relationship. 

Heal and celebrate together, and leave with fun, beautiful and surpricingly deep experiences, profound insights about yourself and your relationship, and valuable takeaways to support your relationship to mature and continue healthy growing throughout your life together.

Follow-up & Support

Our journey doesn't end here.

Continue your growth with clan meetings and online reflections after the retreat led by Signe.  Make intentions, commit to positive change, and embrace the transformative power of relationships.

This is the first training event for couples/lovers and we will be offering more workshops to support and inspire them.

For more info & dates: