The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

GUIDELINES & The 6 Practices

UPDATED April 4, 2024

The following guidelines and 6 practices are statements of how we aspire to live and work together at THE TRIBAL VIBE.

They are tools for self-transformation, the way we relate to each other and the environment. All staff and volunteers agree to follow these guidelines to the best of their ability when they take a position with us here in our business and community.

The guidelines also serve as a supportive foundation for all people who visit THE TRIBAL VIBE during shorter periods throughout the year during courses and festivals. We strive to continuously implement these guidelines and make them come alive throughout the organization.

  • We honor the courage to show vulnerability and strength.
  • We salute the willingess to autentically express  what you desire and what you do not want.
  • We encourage everybody to appreciate the desires of the other - even if we ourselves are a no for that particular desire.
  • We respect fully the boundaries of the other. 
  • We ask for support when we need it. If we get triggered and can't process it ourselves we ask for support from the facilitator and/or EMO team.
  • If we observe or suspect malignent or dysfunctional behaviour we reach out to TTV crew for support.
  • We leave no trace. Where ever we go we strive to leave the place in a cleaner and more harmonious state.

No drugs or alcohol policy

  • When we gather, we meet each other with authentic and sober minds and bodies
  • We allow no alcohol or any kind drugs/ plant medicine (rapé, MDMA, ayahuasca, mushrooms etc). Instead we indulge in the body's own ability to alter states of mind and body e.g. by breath work, visualization, aspecting, shamanic tools, tantric touch and gaze etc
  • Exception only is prescribed medication.

The 6 Practices *

Welcome Everything

    • Welcoming discomfort and conflict, and seeing how conflict leads to connection, intimacy, and understanding - conflict with self, with another, with group. Practice being in the discomfort and practice equanimity, curiosity, and deep listening, to yourself and others.

Assume Nothing

    • Exploring, holding, and giving space to multiple perspectives, even (or especially) when in opposition
    • Slowing down is the key to this step
    • When we don’t understand something or someone, we can either assume or get curious. In TTV, we always want to get curious

Reveal your Experience

    • Be seen, known, touched, felt, and heard for who you really are. By doing so, you invite others to join you and do the same
    • Make the implicit explicit, the unconscious conscious
    • Don’t be attached to any outcome of your revealing. Reveal simply to reveal

Own your Experience

    • Know all parts of yourself, including both light and dark. By doing so, you take power back from the ways you’ve given it away to people and culture/society. Power gives you freedom and choice in how to respond to and engage with any situation, free of conditioned reactions and patterns
    • Strive to not make anyone else responsible for your experience, always look within first; be a witness to yourself

Honor Self and Other

    • Slow down enough to really feel into whether this honors self and other at all times. This is the context that frames all interaction
    • Be a Source Team in the world - care for yourself, for others, for the world. All is sacred

Leave Better Trace

  • We strive to leave every situation, every space, every relationship in a better condition than when we entered.
  • This applies e.g. to cleaning or removing litter that may have been left by other people but we take responsability for the sanctity  of the space
  • -  and we trust that the others in our tribe will do the same for us.

* Five of these Practices originate from the teachings from 

ART International - Authentic Relating Training