The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival


Th Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2024

EnJoy the Facilitators 1:1

How to book a session:

Below you can read about the private sessions that the facilitators offer in our Therapy Room. You book a session by contacting the facilitator directly at the festival. 

Lil Muxoll Nielsen

1:1 Session - Creative Divine | ca. 1h | 1000 DKK

[Experiential mental practice in 1:1 setting] 

Reenter the deep connection to your souls essence and experience an unknown selfawarness, selfworth and selflove. Experience serenity and dedication on your journey back to your highest self and your limitless connection. In these sessions we empower you to look deeply into your unconscious egoic structure, your trauma-induced dysfunctional biological responses, and release whatever shows itself ready to be released and to inform you about your next steps of action towards reconnecting to your sacred wholeness.

1:1 Session - Circle Work |ca. 45 min | 550 DKK

[Experiential mental practice in 1:1 setting] 

In this session we are tuning into our superconscious abilities and read into the quantum field.  We tune into your true heart’s energies and visions and anchor you in that divine vision. Then we make conscious the unconscious structures that seem to conduct your current life and that create a sensation of being stuck. We help you to own those fully, and to step out of the illusion that you are separated from the true connection to ALL & your sacred wholeness.  Finally, we specify the obvious next steps on your journey rediscovering the creative flow, the effortless opportunities, and the magic of your true connection to your divinity.

Cash | Mobile Pay | Revolut

Milan Rouillard

Tantric Embodiment Session - 1 hour - 1000 DDK
Body work/ tantric touch - 1 hour 1000 DDK
Cash or Mobile Pay available

Tantric Embodiment session:
During the session, as a trauma informed therapist, I create a safe space for you. Starting with a softening of your body and relaxation of the nervous system. Depending on your need the work can range from polarity work (masculine/feminine balance) , inner child journey, shadow work, anger release and integration process. This can include some light body work and massage.

Body work/ Tantric touch:
In this session I will guide you back in your body through your senses and your heart. Deepening your connection with the flow of life within you in the now. I use reflexology, myo-fascia release and dearmouring techniques to open your emotional body and balance the different layers of yourself.
The tantric touch session are aimed to both activate your energy and to make you surrender to the bliss of your pleasure nature. In the process of allowing yourself to expand in body I wake up your senses and your potential for more energy to flow in your being.

Rune Koch

Deamouring Bodywork 2 hours – 2000 DKK.

Life coaching/light bodywork

or Healing 1 hour – 1000 DKK. 

Deamouring/tantric sessions: through strong presence and open heart you are invited to meet and experience what is holding you back, from deeper connection to your self and others. The sessions are empowering and deeply transformative. Sexual deamouring or internal bodywork on genital is offered upon request.

Life coaching/light bodywork: Supports integration and opens up blockages so the wisdom can flow through.

Healing: Deeply relaxing and balancing, calms down the nervous system and allow for a deep gentle and natural state of healing to take place.

Cash or mobilpay

Scarlett Zeman

1:1 KIC treatments (Kundalini activation and bodywork)

Price: 1500kr for 90 minutes

Kundalini activations are a practice where you lie on your back on the floor. I play some music that is composed in a very special way, so that the frequencies change and go in waves. While you lie with your eyes closed, I walk around and activate your energy - both by physical touches and by energetic touches outside the body that you don't feel as physical touch. During a session it is possible that you will be able to feel your kundalini energy in the following ways: movements in the body, visualizations, sensations in the body or via your voice. Some lie completely still and others move a lot. It is different how the energy rises inside you.

What we activate in the body is your life energy. There may be blockages that prevent the energy from flowing freely, and this is something we can work on loosening up.

You can use a KIC treatment for: Practical: getting more energy, loosening up stagnant energy in the body, pain relief and many report better sleep.

Spiritual: a journey into your inner landscape, gain a stronger soul contact, strengthen your intuition, contact with that which is greater than you, gain insights, shift in consciousness, contact with other dimensions, past lives, memories from childhood/infancy, some experience definite Bliss states.

Yin Yoga Massage with healing 1:1

Price: DKK 1000 for 90 minutes

Yin Yoga Massage is also called lazy man's yoga. It is an extremely delicious treatment where I move your body into different stretches and hold the stretch for you, so that you can completely surrender to your breath and let go of your body. The treatment has a very calming effect on your entire nervous system. While you lie in the various stretches, I heal with my hands. Yin Yoga Massage is about softening your connective tissue. I start the treatment with a massage of the connective tissue in your face and then we go through the whole body.

Wies Heiner

Relational Coaching with Wies

Session for individuals - 60 minutes - DKK 750.

This (first) session is FREE if you want to continue and decide to purchase a coaching package afterwards.

Session for couples - 90 minutes - DKK 1300.

This (first) session is FREE if you would like to continue and decide to purchase a coaching package afterwards.

These Relational Coaching sessions are for you - undivided attention and a safe and supportive space where you can explore your thoughts, triggers, feelings, and aspirations.

Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships. As a Relational Coach, Wies believes in the transformative power of meaningful connections and Authentic Relating skills.These sessions are an opportunity for growth, understanding, and self-discovery. You’ll learn tools to foster deep relationships, enhance communication, and create lasting positive change.

Read more about the Relational Coaching packages:

Payment in cash or bank transfer.

Wave Davis

Sexual Dearmouring Bodywork and Kundalini Activation

At the festival Wave will offer Sexual Dearmouring & Kundalini Activation sessionsand Mappacho & Manifestation ceremonies, for individuals, couples and throuples.

Sexual Dearmouring & Kundalini Activation:Trauma, emotion, orgasm and ecstasy. Our birthright is joy.

Traumais experienced and processed in the body, not the mind.Emotionis ‘energy’ in ‘motion’. When traumas and emotions get ‘trapped’ or stuck in our bodies many common problems, both physical and mental occur. However, when trauma is somatically processed and emotions can flow freely throughout the body, extraordinary things happen. We are able to return to our natural state where simple things, such as the smell of fresh earth, or the feel of rain on skin, can fill the whole body withorgasmicsensations, with feelings of delight. We are able to circulate our life force, our sexual energy, by ourselves or with a partner, to experience waves of intense and sustained orgasmic pleasure throughout the entire body. These powerful full-body energetic orgasms allow us to enter ecstatic states where healing can occur, wisdom can be accessed and love manifested into material reality.

Sessions will be 2 - 3 hours and include energetic and physical bodywork, cathartic mediation, kundalini activation, transmission and integration.

Price: 1000 DKK per hour.

Mappacho & Manifestation:Do you have a question for which you seek clarity?

In the Shipibo shamanic tradition, Mapacho is used to improve our powers of intuition and our ability to actualise into the world our intentions. It is also used to both cleanse and protect the physical and energetic systems and to attract the good spirits, who, shamans insist, have an almost insatiable desire for Mapacho. Mapacho grounds and brings us back to the body, to the earth. It enables the busy mind to become silent and the third eye and the heart to open and listen. Liquid Mapacho is taken in the nose. The ritual of inhaling the liquid made of Mapacho has been transmitted from generation to generation in the Shipibo culture. Traditionally, this ritual is performed in every household and used especially with children to ensure they grow strong and healthy, be active and dynamic, and develop intelligence and concentration. It is used by shamans to open the third eye and treat diseases such as depression, stress, sinusitis and insomnia.

Sessions will be 2 hours and include a Tibetan fire mediation, water Mapacho ceremony, transmission and integration. Price: 2000 DKK.

Wave offers a powerful and unique combination oftransmission,tantric practices,plant medicineandenergeticandphysical bodywork.They combine their abilities as a channel with many years of experience in both non-western and Western healing traditions.

Wave is a tantric and shamanic practitioner. He has undertaken more than 8 years of extensive tantric training. His teachers have included Alan Lowen (Art Of Being) and Pema (Wild Tantra). He has spent months in Peru learning from Maestro Heberto Garcia in the Lareto region of the Amazon rainforest. He is deeply connected with several plant medicines including Mappacho and Ayahuasca.

Wave has years of experience in bodywork and healing modalities from non-Western and Western traditions such as Dearmouring (Gaia Method), Zen Buddism (Thich Nhat Hanh), CBT, EMDR, and NVC. He specialises in supporting the experience of 'energetic orgasms' which increase the body's capacity for pleasure and enable expanded states of consciousness for healing and manifestation

Looking forward to seeing you soon!