The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

Welcome to our signature Winter Event


THURSDAY 23 (if you are new to the tribe)

19:00   Arrival and check-in  for new tribers

19:30   Getting the Vibe Workshop 

21:00   Snacks and tea

22:30   Goodnight - Dreamweaving


10.00   Arrival and check-in 

       The Journey begins

13:00   Lunch

15:00   Healing the Masculine Sexuality

18:30   Dinner

20:00  Circle + Energetic Lovemaking + Movement

22.30   Tribal Circle

22:45    Goodnight 


7.30    Morning Practice - Silent Walk - Sea dipping

8:00    Smoothies & coffee

9:00    Clan meetings

10:30   Brunch

12:00   Circle + Healing the Femine Sexuality

16:30   Afternoon Break enjoy sauna, spa, bonfire

18:30   Dinner

20:00  Celebrating Yoni / Lingam 

23:00  Tribal Cuddle + Circle

23:30   Goodnight 


7:30 Morning Practice - Silent Walk - Sea dipping

8:00 Smoothies & coffee

9:00 Clan meetings

10:30 Brunch

12:00 Circle + Workshop: Exploring your pleasures

15:50 Goodbye

The Tribal Vibe is inviting  you in for a weekend in the dark winter of the soft, sexual and healing kind.

The theme for the weekend retreat is "The Sexual Healing Journey".

We will be exploring what it means to be a sexual being. We begin the exploration and support each other in liberating ourselves from that we no longer need. The tribe will support you in your brave endeavour and support and comfort you into healing the wounds.

Focus will be on your expression of sexuality and of the inner as well as relational work. The tribe create a safe nest for us all during the weekend and from this soft place venture into sensual heart expansion.

The workshops

Many of us carry wounds that inhibit us and keeps us from fulfilling our dreams and desires when it comes to our lovelife and sexuality. The wounds may be old, have been self inflicted or inflicted intentionally or unintentionally by others, by trusted beloveds or by transgressing strangers.

The Healing

We want to address and heal these wounds in a safe and loving environment. And we want to celebrate that which is ours - and ours alone: our bodies and the pleasure it can bring us.

The Methods

We will be working with tools from systemic- and psycho therapy, Wheel of Consent, ART,  breathwork, dance, meditation & self inquiry, tantric energetics, sacred touch, including the option for working with de-armouring yoni and lingam

In between the workshops you can  surrender to the magnificent nature on silent walks,  melting together in the sauna & out doors spa, enjoying bonfires and deep dream weaving.

New to The Tribal Vibe?

For some this retreat will be a re-visit to the cosy fairytale-like land of love, safe belonging and an occasion to deepen the connections to self, your clan and the whole tribe. For others this could be the opportunity for a joining a welcoming fellowship, to experience tantric methods such as sacred touch and energy work, and to become part of a community where everybody  relates to each other authentically and from the heart.

NB If you are new to the tribe you will begin your journey a little bit earlier than the rest of the tribe to be sure you know how to use our 6 practices - our tools for authentic communication and safe interactions thus:

New tribers arrive the night before on the 23th of January at 19:00.

What to expect?

Besides the workshops and circles, you will also be part of a little "family" aka your "clan". Your clan will be your support system from day one.  All the clans meet an hour every day for sharing and support. All the Clans have small chores that contribute to the wellbeing and nourishment of the tribe e.g. helping in the kitchen, lightening fires etc. This helps to support the experience of belonging and feeling of purpose - vital to the tribe and to being a triber.

Inside the workshops you have -  at all times - full autonomy of yourself and your body. There is nothing you have to do to participate. We expect you to be fully present and bring a mind and heart of curiosity and engagement into the workshops and clan activities. 

There will be nudity, there will be activities of a sensual and sexual character, there might be big emotions and releases of trauma in  some of the workshops. You don't have to be naked or physical with anyone. 


We will be gathering in cosy Fyrregaarden, in the  Odsherred with the ocean close by.


The workshops will be facilitated by Wies Heiner , Signe V. Bentzen + guest facilitator Holger Spangsgaard

Winter is Coming...

- welcome to the nourishing warmth of the tribe!



24 - 26 January 2025

What is included in the ticket?

All meals, workshops and basic accommodation * are included in the ticket.

For your convenience choose between these additional accommodation options: dormitory, a bed in double or single room.

Sign up:

Price range:
*Basic Accommodation 3900 dkk

(+ 400 dkk for new tribers for extra workshop + breakfast)

Add-on Accommodations:

A bed in a Quadro room:  125 dkk per night

A bed in a Double room: 300 dkk per night (sold out)

A bed in the Sauna Cabin (2 beds): 375 dkk per night (sold out)

A bed in the Wood Cabin ( 2 beds): 475 dkk per night (sold out)

Single room: 500 dkk per night (sold out)

*Basic accommodation includes *duvet, pillow & mattress on the floor

Everyone brings their own linen or rent it at Fyrregaarden

Venue: Fyrregaarden 

Matolievej 14

4573 Højby
