The Tribal Vibe: Workshops - Retreats - Festival

The Tribal Vibe Presents

Festivals, Events and Retreats


Couples Retreat - The Tribal Vibe for Lovers II: Deeper into Intimacy 28 - 30 March 2025 

A Night with the Tribe - our Taster and intro workshop:  10 April 2025 18:30 - 21:30

The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2025: 6 - 12 July, 2025 (- check out last year's Summer Festival)

Women's Circle, Copenhagen: September - December (Now Open for registration for 2025)

Soon to be anounced

Next Wheel of Consent - tba

Couples Retreat - The Tribal Vibe for Lovers I: Date tba

Video from Summer festival 2024 is made by Marius Klausen.

The Tribal Vibe Presents

A Day With the Tribe

A Day With The Tribe 

Curious about The Tribal Vibe?

Here is your chance to get a taste when we invite you to spend a few hours with us. Meet the tribers and some of our facilitators - AND have a fun afternoon (or night) with lots of connection and cool authentic relating exercises/games.

And maybe you pick up a few tools for your relationship tool box that will help you deepen the authenticity and create more intimacy in your other relationships too.

Price: 299 DKK


4 times a year

Next date:

10 April 18:30 - 21:30


Get your spot

- please send an email to

Our signature Summer event

The Summer Festival 

For the 6th summer in a row we invite you our beloved The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival.

The Tribal Vibe Presents

Previous events

Previous Events

Here you will find a small collection of previous events such as The Tribal Vibe In the Dark

as well as previous Summer Festivals.

Get in touch

Contact us with any questions, feedback and suggestions!